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SEO Glossary - 5

500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error is a response code served by a web server when a page that is requested cannot be provided due to an unexpected error.

This is usually because some part of your website has crashed or is encountering some kind of other error.

Google accepts that sometimes things like this happen, so for it to happen occasionally isn’t the end of the world, but if it happens frequently then it can begin to affect your rankings, they don’t want to send people to a broken site.

Setup website monitoring so as to be alerted when issues such as this occur.

503 Service Unavailable

503 Service Unavailable is a response code server error that indicates that the server required to complete the request is not available.

This code is often returned when a web service is overloaded or offline.

504 Gateway Timeout 

504 Gateway Timeout is a response code server error that indicates that the server required to complete the request cannot be contacted.

You’ll often see this as a response from a CDN like Cloudflare when it can’t get a response from the origin server it’s trying to forward you to.