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SEO Glossary - L

Landing Page

A landing page in analytics terms is any page which a user first enters your site, the page they “land” on.

Marketers might design and build specific landing pages for campaigns where they aim to get people to land, whether by driving them from online or offline ads.

Lead Generation

A lead is the pre-qualified contact details of a person or company that is interested in buying a product or service.

Lead Generation is a website monetisation strategy where a website will be designed to generate leads for what are usually high value products such as mortgages. The site will then sell these leads to companies that can actually supply the product. The buyers of the leads will then contact the lead to try to sell to them. In lead generation the seller of the lead gets paid regardless of whether the buying company converts the lead to a sale.

Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is a piece of content or functionality that you give away to people online in return for their email address.

Examples of lead magnets are e-books, research papers, online tools, courses, cheat sheets.

Having acquired the users email address you then typically add them to your email newsletter or follow up with them if you have some service or product you are looking to upsell them.

LLM (Large Language Model)

A Large Language Model (LLM) is a system that is trained on a large collection of data, usually crawled from the web and other open sources such as books.

LLMs are part of AI systems that can take and understand human input requests and then return a generated response based on repeatedly predicting the next word to respond with.

The output from LLMs can look very impressive at first glance, however at the time of writing they could also have a tendency to hallucinate facts, so any AI response needs to be fact checked.

For more see our Introduction to Large Language Models.

Local Business Schema

A structured data schema for local businesses that Google can understand and incorporate into the search results page.

Local Map Pack

The Local Map Pack (sometimes just abbreviated to “Local Pack”) is a search feature that can trigger when Google determines that your intent is to find local business or locations. The map pack includes relevant Local business listings (such as restaurants if you are searching for restaurants in an area) and a map with the locations pin dropped.

Local SEO

Local SEO is a strategy for getting the most visibility possible in local search features in Google such as the Local Map Pack when your business has a physical location it serves or serves from.

Log File Analyser

A Log File Analyser is a software tool that allows you to upload raw server log files from your webserver and gain insights such as how search engines and other bots are interacting with your site, finds broken links and redirect chains.


The longtail is a term to describe keyword phrases that are low volume. They are attractive to build content for as they tend to be low competition so they give you a good chance to start ranking new content, especially for new sites.

They are called longtail as a graph of keywords to search volume shows a very long tail of keywords with low search volume.

Somewhere in the region of 80% of all search queries can be considered longtail.

LSI Keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords is a concept that some people believe is used as a Google ranking factor. However, Google has repeatedly said it doesn’t use Latent Semantic Indexing.

Google does care about Semantics, see Semantic Keywords.